Partnership for America's Children

Impact Report 2023

"At the Partnership, we measure our impact by the tangible difference our members make in the lives of children across the United States, from state houses to local school board meetings."

Our Members’ Impact in 2023

Click the dots on the map below to display success stories from our members across the country.

VOICES for Alabama’s Children worked with partners to create Child Care in Alabama: A Roadmap to Support Alabama’s Parents, Children, Employers and Economy. This comprehensive report outlines short- and long-term recommendations for improving child care in Alabama.
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For the first time, Arizona expanded eligibility for KidsCare, the state’s CHIP health care program. The Children’s Action Alliance is proud that years of work culminated in 10K more children being eligible for health coverage in Arizona through KidsCare after lawmakers raised family income limits.
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The state of Arkansas now provides financial assistance for early childhood educators to help them meet their own child care needs. This is an unequivocal win for children, educators, and families who depend on child care.
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Children Now coordinated a statewide campaign that led to over $1.4 B to support child care providers, and a new equitable family fee system to make child care more affordable in California.
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Colorado successfully passed HB23-1300, which will create continuous eligibility for Medicaid for kids ages 0-3.
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Connecticut’s new Baby Bonds program will invest $600M over the next 12 years in the economic futures of children in poverty.
HCAN achieved $80M/year for the next five years in tax credits for working families. Expansions and increases to the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit, the Food/Excise Tax Credit, and the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit will give Hawai’i’s working families the biggest boost in recent history.
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Children’s Advocates for Change continued its efforts to secure a state child tax credit in 2023. The measure gained significant legislative support, and traction is growing. Governor J.B. Pritzker included a modest child tax credit in his proposed state budget. Children’s Advocates for Change and allies are working to secure a more robust child tax credit as part of the final budget package.
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New comprehensive child care legislation created state-funded wage supplements for child care providers and changed the eligibility for subsidy to 125% of the state median income. Maine now invests more in child care than it receives from the federal block grant.
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Children’s Advocacy Alliance received the Human Services Network Award for our advocacy to extend postpartum Medicaid coverage from 60 days to 12 months – expanding health care to over 18,000 new parents.
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New York City’s child care payment delay crisis has led to closures across the city. Leveraging findings from its report The Youngest New Yorkers, CCC worked collaboratively to organize and mobilize with partners on the Campaign for Children to make the case for a wide range of operational fixes that resulted in providers receiving back payments, and bringing stability to the system.
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For the first time since the Empire State Child Credit (NY state child tax credit) was created in 1994, it now includes children under the age of 4 years old. This legislative change means families have more support during some of the most expensive years of a child’s life.
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In 2023, WCA spent months documenting parent experiences and identifying program and policy supports to alleviate poverty. This work culminated in a 2024 report “Uplifting Courageous Voices: From the Frontline of Poverty in Westchester County.”
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Schuyler Center is the home of the Empire State Campaign for Child Care. In 2023, the campaign won $500M to support the child care workforce, as well as expanded eligibility for child care subsidy to 85% of state median income.
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NC Child and advocacy partners won a 14-year campaign to expand Medicaid, extending health coverage to over 100K low-income parents.
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The Ohio Children’s Alliance mobilized key partners to advocate for family support services, workforce capacity and resource accessibility through the Children’s Mental Health Budget Coalition. They secured funding and safeguards for programs such as the Student Wellness and Success initiative, which ensures holistic support for Ohio’s students, and successfully advocated to increase Medicaid rates for children’s behavioral health services.

OICA supported legislation that provides state employees with six weeks of paid maternity leave after the birth or adoption of a child. Additionally, as part of the budget agreement for education, a similar paid leave was implemented for Oklahoma public school educators.
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Oregon passed a fully refundable $1,000 tax credit for every child aged 0 to 5 to qualifying low-income families. 55K children across the state stand to benefit from the Oregon Kids’ Credit, disproportionately low-income and children in rural communities.
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Children First successfully advocated for the largest increase in public education funding in state history – $717M more in basic education and special education funding – including environmental repairs and upgrades in schools. This victory for education comes after a protracted debate over private school vouchers that threatened education funding. Children First led the fight against vouchers so public education dollars wouldn’t be siphoned by private and religious schools.
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Utah advocates achieved state funding for full-day Kindergarten, and passed legislation to achieve 100% kid’s coverage!
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In the 2023 session, Voices for Vermont’s Children led the effort to eliminate the “ratable reduction” that cuts TANF grants to families to less than half of a subsistence income. New legislation tasks the administration with developing a plan and report detailing the cost and impact of this change.
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Voices leaned into youth mental health advocacy in 2023, including hosting a Youth Mental Health Summit. Nearly 300 attendees included advocates, youth service providers, and policymakers Virginia lawmakers invested significant new funds in youth mental health treatment. These included $58M to expand and modernize crisis services, with an additional $10M for mobile crisis units in underserved areas, as well as $5M in additional funding for school-based mental health integration grants.
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During the 2023 session, the Children’s Alliance fought in collaboration with partners in the Washington Dental Access Campaign to successfully pass HB 1678. The bill authorizes dental therapists to practice in community health clinics across the state of Washington – expanding access to oral health care in under-served areas.
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Our Core Pillars

We Engaged.

The Partnership engaged members in our network by bringing child advocates to learn together in communities of practice, to share strategies, and to provide peer support. In 2023, we hosted 10 peer-to-peer knowledge sharing events, as well as an annual conference for leaders. Partnership network organizations are leading the way and building each other up on organizational development, advocacy strategy, and policy expertise.

“As the only state located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, our West Coast neighbors are over 2,500 miles away. Being a member of the Partnership for Americaʻs Children network vastly shortens the distance between Hawaiʻi Children’s Action Network and our advocacy colleagues across the continent. This network gives us immediate access to resources, ideas, messages, and tools to keep putting children and families first in Hawaiʻi.”

Zoe Brooks-Jeffiers

Hawai’i Children’s Action Network

– Image courtesy of Hawai’i Children’s Action Network

– Image courtesy of The Children’s Agenda (NY)

We Empowered.

The Partnership empowers advocates and child advocacy organizations by providing capacity-building support to strengthen their organizations. We support executive directors of member organizations, the development of a pipeline of leaders in the child advocacy sector through convenings, formal and informal professional development, and networking with colleagues around the country. We also build the capacity of child advocates to center equity in their advocacy and partner with lived-experience experts.

“As a result of our advocacy in Rochester, especially the voices of parents in school board meetings, the Rochester City School District developed a new plan for school-based health and mental health supports. The plan includes telemedicine at all schools and health centers at 16 schools.”

Stephanie Townsend

The Children’s Agenda

We Invested.

Working with national and regional funders, the Partnership invests in child advocates by providing targeted grant opportunities to support state and local advocacy efforts, as well as organizational support. We also partner with several national organizations to provide technical assistance to network members on policy issues.

“The Partnership is an invaluable resource, facilitating the exchange of ideas, insights, and best practices for its members. Through our membership experience, we have found strength and inspiration to be better advocates for Ohio’s children and families.”

Mark Mecum

 Ohio Children’s Alliance

– We love the connections and support.”
Moe Hickey, Voices for Utah Children

Featured Stories

A look at how the Partnership engaged, empowered, and invested in child advocates in 2023.

Building a Community of Courageous Leaders for Kids

Reflections on the partnership's annual retreat for executive directors.


Homegrown Youth Organizing

Several Partnership members are growing their own youth-led organizing programs to inform and energize policy advocacy.


SPARC 2023 convening

Working and Learning Together for Transformational Change in Child Welfare.


Building on the expertise of parents

A new evaluation of NC Child’s Parent Advisory Council shows a compelling model for health advocacy.


Our Team

The Partnership for America’s Children is mindfully building a dynamic Board of Directors that reflects the diversity of child advocates around the nation.

Meet our Staff & Board of Directors >

Get to know our new Executive Director, Marquita Little NuMan >

Staff demographics

Board demographics

2023 Financial Report

Since 2014, the Partnership has provided $13 million in grants to state & local child advocacy organizations.

2023 Income & Expense Statement (unaudited)

Income: $1,424,222

Expenses: $1,533,375

Thank You

With a special thank you to our funders for supporting our organization and the work of all our partners:

Message from the Board Co-Chairs

Dear child advocates and supporters,

2023 was a year of transformation for the Partnership for America’s Children. We welcomed our new Executive Director, Marquita Little NuMan. We said farewell and thank you to our Interim Executive Director, Michelle Hughes, who led us through an intentional year of rebuilding post-pandemic. And we launched a strategic planning process that has brought us a bold vision and a new level of accountability and responsiveness with our members and philanthropic partners.

Most importantly, we worked together to advance the well-being of children and their families around the nation. The national map in this impact report highlights just a few examples of the ground-breaking public policies our members have achieved for kids in 2023. In a time of immense and growing political polarization, our members are united, and they are building on our shared values in communities across the nation to ensure all children have the resources they need to thrive.

Our collaboration with child advocates around the nation is all about connecting with each other, building each other up, and leveraging our collective voices for America’s children and their families. Thank you for standing with us for children.

Kimberly Perry
Executive Director,
DC Action

Jennifer Wagley
Executive Director,
Our Children Oregon

Partner with us!

Email us at [email protected] to connect.